
Stephan Terblanche has presented numerous talks and workshops on Sports Nutrition, The Causes and Management of Sports-Running-Hiking Injuries, Power Plate Rehabilitation, Applied Anatomy, Physiology and Biomechanics in association with ATA (Accurate Therapeutic Advancement), ETA, HFPA (Health & Fitness Professionals Association) and SAWFA (SA Water & Fitness Association).

Back Pain and Injuries

At the Bio Practice we specialize in the treatment of chronic back pain (neck and lower back) by attempting to treat the primary CAUSE of the pain and not just secondary symptoms or compensatory pain patterns.

There can be a multitude of back pain causes such as:

  • Inherited Postures – joint hypermobility or laxity, lordosis (arched back), scoliosis
  • Acquired Postural Imbalances – due to structural and muscular adaptation to your workplace ergonomics, occupational activities, sports environment and juvenile growth spurt.
  • Ergonomics – a poorly structured work environment or sports techniques can predispose you to back injuries.
  • Weak Core Muscles – due to a lack of functional activities or exercise, aging, childbirth, caesareans and weight gain.

Once we have determined the cause of the back pain and the aggravating factors we can treat the injury more specifically and teach you ways to manage your back at home (DIY).

Orthopeadic Rehabilitation

The focus here is assessing and treating all types of muscle, joint and nerve pain, injuries or conditions from all walks of life, whether it was due to a fall (fracture, dislocation), wear and tear (arthritis), vehicle related accident, occupational injury, neurological injury (stroke, multiple sclerosis) or surgical-related procedure or complications (hip and knee replacement).

The main goal is to improve the individual’s functional capacity by initially assisting them with specific rehab exercises that could be Bio Practice, Home or Gym based and then later educating them on how to manage their pain, injury or condition more effectively to achieve quality of life and be independent.

Sport Injuries

Whether you are a professional or recreational sportsman or women you are going to be faced with an injury of some sorts in your lifetime. The injuries can vary from traumatic (acute) such as twisting your ankle to atraumatic (chronic) as in knee pain that you develop every time you run a certain distance.

The treatment approach for these two types of injuries are different in that you would initially treat the SYMPTOMS (pain, swelling, inflammation) in both traumatic (acute) and atraumatic (chronic) injuries, but eventually would focus on treating the CAUSE in atraumatic (chronic) injuries to get results.

In the case of atraumatic (chronic) injuries there can be a variety of causes such as:

  • Acquired Muscle Imbalances – due to structural and muscular adaptation to your occupational activities, sports environment and technique.
  • Biomechanical Alignment – that is a dysfunction of the structural alignment of joints in the body due to inherited factors (flat feet, high arches, bow legs, arched back, shorter leg syndrome) or acquired muscle imbalance (right or left handed sports like tennis or bowling in cricket).
  • Ergonomics & Technique – could be related to how you hold your racket or play a shot in golf; are you a forefoot or heel striker when running; and the set-up of your road or mountain bike.
  • Equipment – your choice of running shoes (road, trail), hiking boots, grip size and weight of a racket can either minimize or maximize your chance of an injury.

Once we have determined the cause or possible aggravating factors of the chronic injury can we device a treatment plan to address the injury and teach you ways to manage it more effectively (DIY).

Powerplate (Acceleration Training)

Power Plate redefines optimal health and wellness equipment for every age and ability.

We are accredited to offer International courses to train professionals (Medical, Fitness, Private) on How the Power Plate works; How to use the Power Plate; and What to use it for.


The Power Plate’s revolutionary feature of using vertical vibration, called acceleration technology, to stimulate up to 90% of your muscles involuntary, is used to activate weak or atrophied muscles and neural pathways. Once these neuromuscular pathways are switch on, are the injured muscles, nerves and joints more responsive to rehab exercises.


At the Bio Practice we use the Power Plate to treat orthopeadic (arthritis, tendon, muscle, joint injuries), neurological (Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s) and chronic lifestyle conditions (cardiac, diabetes, obesity). We also use the Power Plate for general conditioning, weight loss and sport performance enhancement, especially activities that require explosiveness.

This is achieved by assessing the individual to determine their baseline functional capacity, identifying their weakness and providing them with a treatment plan that incorporates the use of the Power Plate that can be done at the Bio Practice, home or gym.

Compex – Muscle Stimulation

At the Bio Practice we also make use of Compex technology to activate weak or atrophied muscles and neural pathways by stimulating the motor nerve at the muscle directly via electrodes. This is particularly useful if damaged has occurred in the brain or spinal cord as these systems are bypassed to directly stimulate the peripheral nerves and their corresponding muscles.

At the Bio Practice we use Compex technology to help activate weak muscles and neural pathways once we have established the pathology. This process is necessary to get permanent and faster results when rehabilitating injuries (chronic knee & shoulder pain), orthopeadic (hip and knee replacements) and neurological (stroke, spinal cord injuries) conditions.

One of the main benefits is involuntary activation of the muscles of the core (transverse abdominus), hip (gluteus medius/minimus), knee (vastus medialis) and shoulder (rotator cuff). Once these muscles are activated at the Bio Practice can further progress and maintenance be achieved by using a home or gym-based programs.


This spinal condition is prevalent amount young teenagers (age 9 to 14-years), especially girls that are idiopathic in nature (no specific cause) and triggered by a growth spurt or puberty. Other possible causes are neuromuscular conditions (muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, polio), congenital factors (fetal development), leg length discrepancies (anatomical) and postural imbalances due to playing one-sided sports like tennis and cricket bowling.

When assessing the individual’s scoliosis curvature it is important to determine whether it is functional (spasm, postural or muscle imbalances) or structural (anatomical) in nature. Functional scoliosis curvatures can be treated very successful while structural scoliosis curvatures can only be improved up to a certain degree, but the earlier the treatment (age 9 to 18-years is ideal) the better the prognosis.

We offer a Scoliosis Program at the Bio Practice that is mainly home or gym based and requires x-rays to determine the severity and number of lateral curvatures. This info is then used to design an individualistic scoliosis rehab program to counteract or stabilize the direction of the lateral spinal curves.